Normally when you mention the topic of clothes for a dog my husband cringes. But with a new climate to get used to, we couldn't forget about how our little Emma would adjust. I had to get pretty creative if I was going to pull off this new fashion ensemble without Steve making his ever so attractive "cringe" face. After much searching online I stumbled upon the Roots.com website where I was shocked to find a super cute, pink, dog hoodie! For those of you who don't know the brand Roots, (and why should you if you're not from there?) it is a Canadian clothing line that you could compare in popularity to Victoria Secret's PINK line. Girls here plaster there booties with PINK and girls in Canada plaster theirs with ROOTS.
So, imagine my utter happiness when I found a dog hoodie with ROOTS on the back. My ever proud and loyal Canadian husband couldn't resist seeing Emma in a pink ROOTS hoodie, could he?
Well, relationships are all about compromise and I think I did a pretty good job here! Now she is ready to bare the cold weather in style!!

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