Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Berlin's Wall

It's times like these that I wish I had paid a little more attention in high school English! This is my first time blogging and I'm petrified it will show. Please bear with me!

Since we are getting to know each other there are a few things you should know about me, 1) I'm a huge fan of the exclamation mark. I hope this doesn't offend anyone! Yep, this "!" will likely look like my best friend before long. I assign it at the end of almost every sentence. If I could, I would erase the period "." all together from my punctuation vocabulary and replace it with exclamation points!! Besides, it is so hard to tell someone’s tone online and what better way for you to really hear my true voice then to have exclamation marks everywhere indicating my strong feelings or high volume! Probably both. Since I started numbering my points I assume I should continue in the same fashion, 2) I caanot spel to save my lif!!!!!! Seriously, it's a major problem that has my husband doubting that I ever attended a real school. Thank god for spell check and I promise I will use it often, however it never seems to catch alllll my spelling and grammatical errors. So again, I ask you--please bear with me!!

Lastly, I tend to ramble on about topics that have nothing to do with my original intent in the first place (example A, entire previous paragraph).
Which leads me finally to this-- My reasons for jumping on the blog bandwagon or blogwagon if you will, now? Up until this point blogging always seemed a little too, well, self-indulgent to me. Granted, I love reading other people's blogs. Truth be told, I’m a total blog junkie. It's the whole doing one about OUR life that's held me back. I mean, is our life really interesting enough to sustain an entire blog? I guess we're about to find out!

If you're still reading this....I was born and rasied in South Florida. After meeting my handsome husband online (that is an entire blog post I will have to write one day...but thank you we fell in love and the rest is history. Right? Wrong! In the short 2 years we have been married we have, adopted our precious dog Emma, moved 3 times, including moving to another state, bought our dream house in Virginia 6 months ago only to put it on the market last month to move back to South Florida. Are lives are anything but dull.

This blog is dedicated to keeping sane within the chaos that is our life. Balancing my high maintenance, Princess Vespa, tendencies with my desire to keep things fresh, simple and organized. Starting our lives together, focusing way too much on our dog Emma, gearing up to start a family and much more!


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