We even saw snow! What more could you ask for!
Love & miss you guys..and see you soon for Passover!
The Shabbat Dinner Club is a group we joined to get to know other other young, Jewish couples in the area. This was our second Shabbat Dinner Club and it was so much fun! Everyone brings a different dish and we all get together (about 30 of us) and hang out. It is at a different persons home each month. This is great for Steve and I because it forces us to not only get to know different people but also get to know different neighborhoods too.
(Sorry no pics for this one)
2 friends, 2 dogs, 2 out of town husbands, 1 karaoke machine, lots of food, even more drinks and a ton of fun....equals....

my Valentines Day!
I was asked to delete most of the pictures from this night because lets just say, they were not too pretty~! (See example A above) So I will leave you with just a few pics of the dogs to capture the night and we can leave the rest up to your imagination!

4. NEST (Norfolk Emergency Shelter Team)
Every year during the coldest months of winter an organization volunteers to house and feed the homeless for 1 week. This past week was the JCC's turn. In conjunction with Temple Israel, in Norfolk we volunteered to take in 50 homeless to serve them food, offer them clean, dry and warm beds and make sure they had a safe nights sleep.
The night was very rewarding, knowing you are helping people in need. However, it is always sad to meet people just like yourself that are much less fortunate than you are are.
Montoya- Cabernet

I discovered this little puppy during one of my outings at Total Wine. LOVE this place, by the way.
I'm an organizational freak, so when I walk into Total Wine and everything is classified by region, and type of wine, and flavor of wine, it makes me ohh so happy! Anyway, that was a bit of a tangent. Back to the Montoya..so I got into a conversation with one of the knowledgeable staff there and told them what type of wine I prefer and he recommended this Cabernet. And Oh my yumminess! He did not let me down. This wine is delish and goes with so many different types of foods.
*Side note on what an amazing hubby I have. (Like you didn't already know!) I was going on and on about Total Wine and this Montoya wine to him one night last week. I totally thought he had tuned me out as I tend to ramble on about..umm nothing, a lot! Anyway, the next week I was a little early for an appointment, so I stopped at Total Wine for a fresh bottle of my new fav before I headed home. When I got home, what did I see on the counter? Another bottle of Montoya! The hubby not only stopped at Total Wine to buy me a bottle of wine, he totally remembered the name and everything from my long and boring rant the other night! How amazing is he! I guess it helps that the name, Montoya, makes him think of Tony Montoya from Scarface and makes it a little hard for him to forget the name! Hahaha, men!
Last but CERTAINLY not least, I want to make a special shout out (pronounced: shoat oat-for you Canadians) to my beautiful sister in law, Shawna and her sweet fiancee Ryan on their recent engagement!!! 

You guys make a great couple and I'm so glad you decided to "get hitched."
Shawna and Ryan have decided to have a destination wedding in November....so, Mexico, here we come!!
Oh and one more thing....they asked us to be in their bridal party! I'm gonna be a bridesmaid! Whut Whut!!
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I didn't know you could comment on here!!! Ahhh! I'm the biggest Berlin Wall fan ever!!! I'm so hooked!
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