Walking into my favorite Starbucks to order my favorite drink was quite different today. The shopping plaza was packed due to last minute shoppers cramming in the last few minutes before Christmas Eve and that meant Starbucks was packed too. Normally this would not bother me too much but I know that my drink order is a bit, uh, well… high maintenance.
Let me back up, in Boca Raton, Florida EVERYONE is on some fad diet or some coffee enema diet so hearing long winded bizarre coffee names pour out of the baristas mouth as they yell out completed orders to come pick up doesn’t phase you. But in Virginia Beach it is a rare, rare sight. So as I wait for my drink order behind 10 patiently waiting other people and in front of about 6 new people who just walked in I hear drinks being called out left and right. Normal, Starbucks drinks. Grande coffee, tall latte, Venti Hot Chocolate. And then I hear mine. I brace myself, knowing what is coming. I know everyone is gonna think, “huh, what was that drink? So then the barista shouts it out above the large crowd….
"Tall, Decaf, Non-Fat, Soy, Sugar-free, No Whip, Cinnamon Dolce, Latte."
I quickly put my huge Jackie O sunglasses on, bowed my head and walked up to the counter, grabbed my coffee and ran out!
...I think it's time for a new favorite drink.