Saturday, July 18, 2009

Maybe The Dingo Ate Your Baby

Remember our brand new landscaping job? All new plants and fresh, new hostas? Remember all the sweat and tears that went into removing the gravel, replanting and mulching? So imagine our horror when we woke up this morning to find our brand new hosta EATEN! Yes, you read that correctly, it was eaten. By a rabbit!



Apparently, the cute little bunny rabbits that we have seen all over our neighborhood and back yard are notorious for eating everything plant and grass related in its path. Now being that this girl grew up in South Florida and the only rabbits I have had experience with are either in pet stores or at the fair, how would I know to be wary about this? I quickly scoured the Internet for rabbit ridding secrets. I read everything from planting garlic or cucumbers to repel rabbits to scattering your dogs hair or peeing (yes, peeing!) on your bushes to keep rabbits away. Since I assume our neighbors might not adjust so well to us urinating all over our front lawn I figured there must be a better solution. With one quick phone call to our landscaping guru friend who lives in Richmond, he immediately said, "run, don't walk to your nearest Lowes to pick up, Liquid Fence." He said that the little bugger and his hosta eating riff raff rabbit friends would be back tonight to finish off the job if we didn't act fast. So that's exactly what we did!

Never did I think I would live somewhere where I would have to buy Deer and Rabbit Repellent to spray on my front lawn!

Speaking of deer, the other night I came home to find 5 deer on our lawn eating away at our grass. How crazy is that? A soon as I turned in they galloped away into the neighboring forest. Guess this little puppy will get a lot of use at our new house!

Does anyone know if our little hosta will recover from its brutal devouring?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Our new home!

It's been almost 2 weeks since we moved into our new home and we LOVE IT! Oh yea, totally bold worthy love here! Our home was built about 12 years ago and though certain things are modern and up to date other things were either neglected or left back in the 90's along with acid wash jeans and feathered bangs. A few people have asked me if we need to do any work to the place? My answer is this: Yes and No. Helpful right? Here's the break down. Yes, there is a ton of work that we 'would love' to do to our new home. Woods floors, granite counters, extend the back deck, new kitchen appliances, paint the outside of the house a different color. The list goes on and on. Then there is a shorter list of smaller (less costly) things that we would like to do to the house as soon as possible. Changing things that are not our style or things that need updating. Luckily the house is in great condition and nothing is broken or not working. Everything is minor, cosmetic details to get the house to where we would like it. One of the 'cosmetic' things on the list was the very first thing we tackeled about 6 hours after we moved in. The front lawn. Our front lawn used to look like a cemetery to me. Two layers of white concrete stone, white concrete lions, white rock/stone in all the plant beds instead of mulch and totally dead plants. A total cemetery, sterile feel, in my opinion. So Steve and I, err, and by 'Steve and I, I mean I had the vision and Steve had the muscles, decided to rip out the whole prison/cemetery theme they had going on in the front yard and just replace a few plants and mulch it to warm it up. We didn't want to go crazy since winter is just a few short months away (sigh) and we figured that next spring we will finish. So without further adieu here is the MLS picture of the house before:

I wish we had a better picture of the detail of the front yard. However, we literally moved in and the very next day starting ripping the yard up. I didn't even think to take a good "before" photo until it was too late. This photo was from the MLS listing. You can see the bench, sort of make out the 2 lions, the dead plants and of course the piled high stone trim the previous owners loved so much.

and here is the after:

Hopefully by next spring our new baby plants will have grown some and will be the same height as the other more mature plants. This will make it look much more manicured and nice.

Totally warmer right? We were so amazed how a few plants and fresh mulch could totally transform the look of the front of the house. We removed the top (second) layer of stone around the beds, removed all the rock/gravel that was in the beds, removed the stone lions and stone bench from the front yard as well. We dug up all the dead plants and tried to salvage a few of the plants that were still semi-alive. Hopefully, we can bring them back to life and make them look good. And the best part? All the rock/gravel that took Steve 2 days to remove was picked up the very next day by the lucky winner of a craigslist auction. We offered free landscaping rock/gravel in return for coming to pick it up and take it away asap. Free labor folks! Does it get any better?

Stay tuned for more house updates. We still have a few more things we would like to do to the front lawn before winter and we have also started to tackle a new project in our master bathroom! Ah, the joys of home ownership!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


We're officially Virginia Beach homeowners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are soooo excited! We have been moving, unpacking boxes and settling in, but I promise to post pictures really soon!!!

Please excuse our dust....

while I figure out a new blog look...I have been trying a few new styles out and haven't found the right one yet.