Since I've been MIA for so long I figured I would combine my favorites things for May & June. Here's what we have been up to!
1. Got Juice?
I've been reading a lot about all the outstanding health benefits of juicing and wanted to give it a try. I thought I ate pretty healthy to begin with, but lets face it, everyone can stand to have a few extra
vegetables in their diet, right? I searched online and read a bunch of reviews and found this little puppy, the
Breville Juice Fountain Plus, to be 1 of the best juicers available today. So off I went, gift card in hand, (even better) to pick one up! I was like a kid at Christmas bringing this new toy home! Let me tell you, it did not
disappoint. I've been a juicing fool ever since. My favorite combo so far is carrot, apple,
celery, beet, spinach, cucumber, cilantro, parsley, ginger.
Mmmmmmm! It makes my mouth water just typing it! I know it may sound gross to you, but I swear it is
soooo yummy! And to think I just 'drank' an entire salad before 10am is amazing to me!
Before I bought my
Breville I would buy them from a place called,
Heritage Store. I great
natural holistic market and
restaurant near the ocean front here in Virginia Beach. But at $6.50 a pop I knew I should invest in a juicer of my own to whip these little bad boys up whenever I wanted. It takes a little mental work to get over the color but the taste is great! Here is a photo of my 1
st ever juice from the Heritage Store. This was carrot, apple, celery, spinach and ginger.
2. Camp Care-A-Lot
Steve's company launched a new dog
obedience and training division to their business and guess who the new poster child is? You guessed it, our little own Miss Diva herself, Emma!! Here she is sporting her new uniform for class!
3. Hot Yoga

For months I've had this urge to try hot yoga but I could never muster up the guts to go and do it. I've never been a big 'cool' yoga fan so the thought of being in a
smouldering hot room on the brink of passing out moving around with sweaty, stinky people just didn't sound, well, fun? Well I finally faced my fears and I was wrong, I.....................(wait for it)...............LOVED IT! I'm
sooooo hooked! F
or those of you who don't know exactly what it is, I'll explain...Hot Yoga is a series of yoga poses done in a heated room. The room is usually maintained at a temperature of 95-100 degrees. As you can imagine, a vigorous yoga session at this temperature promotes profuse sweating which rids the body of toxins. It also makes the body very warm, and therefore more flexible.
I found an amazing yoga studio right near our house called,
Zen Hot Yoga Studio. This place rocks. The instructors are super friendly and it is such a non-
competitive, welcoming place. The studio even has a special floor that is soft on your feet and the moisture (aka sweat) from everyone gets absorbed into the floor leaving the room odorless. Score! The class was a mixture of beginners to advanced and everyone worked at their own pace. By the end of class I was a disgusting, dripping, sweaty, mess and I loved it, I knew I was hooked. The only down side is the studio is very pricey!! I think every Hot Yoga studio is pretty pricey these days since it is so "in." Because of this I didn't join, but I
hope to take advantage of their 'drop in' classes whenever
possible. Here is a photo of me going to my 2
nd ever yoga class!
Please try to ignore our messy messy house in the background
4. Heaven in a Cup
May & June have brought many new
addictions and this one ranks up there at the top of my list. It's called The Skinny Dip and the concept is
brilliant. It's a frozen yogurt bar. There are about 6 different flavors at one time and every day the flavors change. Key lime pie, York
peppermint patty,
Reese's Peanut butter Cup and of course vanilla, chocolate and strawberry are just a few of the flavors you can find there. The whole place is self serve. You walk in and pick your flavor or
flavorS if you are me, then you move on to the toppings, the best part.
There is an entire wall of sugary, yummy goodness. There is even a
refrigerated section with fruit, sauces and frozen peanut butter cups and brownies!! Here are some concoctions.
And when you're all done loading up your 'sugar high' in a cup you weigh it on the scale, pay and ENJOY! Brilliant! Just Brilliant!