The other thought you may be asking yourself is, (self?) what brought on this sudden change? Steve was offered an amazing job opportunity working for a company in the pet industry. It is a full line pet supply store as opposed to his previous position which was strictly aquatics. So not only has Steve found Nemo, but he found 101 Dalmatians, Big bird and Kermit the Frog too!
We have so much to do in preparation of our big move. The most important thing is to sell or rent our condo in Florida. I’m dreading this task, as the Florida housing market is one of the worst in the country. Steve has already rented and moved into an apartment in Virginia Beach. He made the big move last week. 14 hours and 18 mins later (thanks mapquest) he arrived safe, sound and freezing!! He arrived to a balmy 40 degrees! Yikes...I better start stocking up on scarfs and gloves now. I plan on driving up with Emma on X-mas day because let's face it, what else would I be doing on Xmas day? Seeing a movie and eating Chinese food probably. I was offered a job working for the local JCC working in membership and programs. They have also offered me the opportunity to get certified teaching aerobics and aquatics classes which I'm very excited about!
We are so excited share this amazing news with everyone! Check back frequently for more updates about our new journey.